Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What makeup colors look best with dark brown eyes.?

I have pretty dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. My skin tone is also pretty yellow. I just wanted to know what colors would look good on my eyes. I have tried that Almay eye color duo, but I think the purple makes me look like I have a black eye or really tired. Plz help!What makeup colors look best with dark brown eyes.?
-Wear rich neutrals like cocoa brown, soft beige, plummy brown, gold, burnt oranges and gray.

-Try Wet n Wild mega eyes eye shadow in fine wink. It's $2 at any drugstore and cruelty free.

-Use white liner on the inside of your bottom lid and regular black or brown liner on top. Then, apply two coats of black mascara.

I hope this helps. =]What makeup colors look best with dark brown eyes.?
Might i suggest using a white eyeliner on ur eyelids along ur eyelashes. Then u can go over that with a pale blue or emerald makes ur eyes pop rite out. You cud also try a charcoal grey liner instead of the white. For the shadows, i suggest ';The Body Shop';.......they have an awesome selection of shimmers and shadows that u can mix and match and blend to suit ur complexion.
I'd use a deep purple eyeliner, but not a purple eyeshadow. I'd choose a neutral eyeshadow color so that the eyeliner pops.

Here's an article about what kind of eyeliner to buy:鈥?/a>
Green. definitely. You should just play around with colors. Browns are very versatile.

Maybe you're not applying the purple correctly? There are different techniques which make a big difference. Oh, and use a brush, not a sponge applicator.
Wow you sound exactly like me! I like to wear earthy greens. They look really pretty with brown eyes. Also I like to wear purples but if they dont look good on you, don't wear them. Browns also look good with brown eyes too.
shades of blue.. i always use that and i think looks the best with my dark brown eyes and hair
purples and lilacs.

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